Premium Slurry Seal
Contract-Ready Construction Specification Guidelines
Download GuidelinesLearn about the benefits of Premium Slurry Seal Treatments
eFlex ES is a premium slurry seal emulsion. It is mixed with crushed aggregate, mineral filler, water and other additives, and is simultaneously applied using a mobile mix paver. Due to its high level of polymer modification, eFlex ES provides increased durability over conventional and modified slurries, and also ensures a longer-lasting high-friction surface. eFlex ES is high-temperature tolerant and is suitable for use on residential, collector and arterial streets. It provides protection from distresses sometimes seen in conventional systems such as power steering burns and other damage caused by passenger vehicles and utility vehicles such as school buses and trash trucks. eFlex ES also provides long-term protection from repeated activities such as snowplowing.
Premium slurry seal allows for a life extension of roughly 7-9 years at a fraction of the cost of a mill and fill treatment.
While eFlex ES can be used to fix minor distresses and level road profiles, it is recommended that cracks ¼” or greater be sealed prior to application.
eFlex ES is Ergon Asphalt & Emulsions’ premium slurry seal treatment.

Best Practices
- Follow a prepared mix design.
- Seal all cracks ¼” or greater prior to application.
- Calibrate all equipment.
- Ensure spreader box has augers or paddles to keep the mix moving.
- If required, use high-quality patching material and methods.
- Remove thermoplastic stripes and markings prior to application.
- Consult the ISSA Inspectors Manual for guidance.

Pavement Preservation Success
Success Story: Premium Slurry Seal
DownloadSeveral roads within the City of Santa Clara, Utah’s network were set to receive slurry seal treatments in accordance with the City’s 2017 Slurry Seal Program. The roads to be treated all suffered from thermal and fatigue cracking. Commonly used in the Western United States, latex modified slurry seal was the initial emulsion supplied for this project until eFlex ES was pitched as a premium slurry that could offer increased durability and resistance over conventional and modified slurries.