Contract-Ready Construction Specification Guidelines
Download GuidelinesLearn about the benefits of Patching Treatments
Adhesive bandages are used to fix a problem; patching a road follows the same idea. While patching does not necessarily help extend the life of the roadway, it does directly address areas of pavement failure and delays major reconstruction.
ePatch, a patching treatment developed by Ergon Asphalt & Emulsions, provides more adhesion, durability, flexibility and extension than a conventional patch.
If an area of a road degrades to a point where driver safety is the prevailing concern, patching may be necessary. The size of the pavement failure directly correlates to the amount of ePatch you will need. While it is typically more expensive to reconstruct roadways, ePatch only costs an average of $90 per ton, which makes it a relatively inexpensive way to address pavement failures.
ePatch can be used on a variety of surfaces, including airfield runways and taxiways, interstate highways, state and county highways, and parking lots.

Best Practices
- Affected area should be cleaned of loose material prior to applying ePatch.
- ePatch should be applied slightly above the pavement grade.
- Compact material with tamp, shovel or vehicle tire.
- Excess mixture should be removed from the area surrounding the patch.
- Traffic may be returned immediately.

Pavement Preservation Success
Success Story: Patching
DownloadCullman County, Alabama, had 2,000 miles of road to maintain but could only afford to preserve about 20-25 miles per year. The County understood that maintaining the current condition of their roadway network would mean overlaying at least 100 miles every year. Their goal was to keep the roads that were in poor condition safe for the public and the traffic flowing while also updating as many road sections as possible.