Micro Surfacing
Contract-Ready Construction Specification Guidelines
Download GuidelinesLearn about the benefits of Micro Surfacing Treatments
The financial cost to maintain good health is far less than the toll of becoming sick. The same holds true for the health of road systems. Similar to slurry seals but more robust, micro surfacing is a pavement preservation method that can also be used to protect and repair pavement. Micro surfacing is a mix of crushed aggregate, mineral filler and latex modified, emulsified asphalt that is applied by a mobile mix paver. One major difference between conventional slurry seals and micro surfacing is the polymer modification to the emulsified asphalt of a micro surfacing system.
Micro surfacing allows for 25% - 45% life cycle cost reduction compared to major road reconstruction.
Micro surfacing halts oxidation and raveling and can be used to increase surface friction, address profile leveling and fill ruts. When used in reactive maintenance, the same life extension may not be achieved as when using micro surfacing as a preventative treatment. Additionally, micro surfacing should never be used to repair unsealed cracks that are ¼" or greater. Other preservation methods can address this type of road distress.
Micro surfacing is more cost-effective, requires less time to perform than major roadway construction and is only a minor inconvenience to motorists. Best of all, a micro surfacing treatment is eco-friendly. According to an environmental impact study performed by BASF Corporation, micro surfacing is significantly less harmful to the environment as compared to other methods of road reconstruction.

Best Practices
- Use a prepared mix design.
- Seal cracks ¼" or greater.
- Clean pavement to ensure proper bonding.
- Use specific micro surfacing equipment.
- Calibrate mix paver to ensure proper mix.
- Treated area should be protected from traffic until sufficiently cured.
- Use specialized rut fill box to fill ruts ½" or larger.
- Allow ruts 24 hours to cure under traffic before applying surface.

Pavement Preservation Success
Success Story: Conventional Micro Surfacing
DownloadPatches of road surrounding the intersection of La. 27 and La. 28 near Lake Charles were suffering from lane ruts that had been worsened by Hurricane Rita. The deep ruts made lane changes difficult and unsafe due to rainwater collection that caused hydroplaning. The Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development (LaDOTD) and the Federal Highway Administration funded a micro surfacing project to repair the ruts, and Vance Brothers Inc. was commissioned to perform the construction.