Premium Micro Surfacing
Contract-Ready Construction Specification Guidelines
Download GuidelinesLearn about the benefits of Premium Micro Surfacing Treatments
When the going gets tough, eFlex, a premium micro surfacing treatment, is a proven roadway preservation method. More durable than conventional micro surfacing, eFlex is a mix of crushed aggregate, mineral filler and latex modified, emulsified asphalt that is applied via mobile mix paver. The major difference between conventional micro surfacing and eFlex is the significantly higher level of polymer modification.
Premium micro surfacing allows for a life extension roughly 7-9 years at a fraction of the cost of major road reconstruction.
eFlex is often chosen for roadway preservation for several key reasons. Any road type can be micro surfaced, making it versatile to work with. eFlex inhibits oxidation and raveling and can be used to repair ruts, fix minor distresses, level roadway profiles and increase surface friction. Although eFlex can be used for these serious issues, it should not be used to repair unsealed cracks that are ¼” or greater. Other preservation treatments can address that type of distress.
eFlex is Ergon Asphalt & Emulsions’ premium micro surfacing treatment.

Best Practices
- Follow a prepared mix design.
- Seal all cracks ¼” or greater prior to application.
- Use specific micro surfacing equipment.
- Calibrate all equipment.
- Clean and prepare the intended surface before application.
- Protect treated area from traffic until sufficiently cured.
- Use specialized rut fill box to fill ruts ½” or larger.
- Allow ruts 24 hours to cure under traffic before applying surface.

Pavement Preservation Success
Success Story: Premium Micro Surfacing
DownloadChase Road runs near the University of Massachusetts’ Dartmouth campus in the southeastern portion of the state. Its average daily traffic alternates between 5,000 and 7,000 vehicles. But during warmer months, the road sees a spike in traffic as vacationers journey to the nearby coast. In the winter, Chase Road is hit hard by freeze/thaw cycles, slush, snow and snowplows that clean up afterward. These conditions and distresses made the road a perfect candidate for Ergon Asphalt & Emulsions’ (Ergon A&E) premium micro surfacing product, eFlex.